IUU Fishing & Forced Labor Risk
Fact! IUU fishing represents as much as 20% of the global catch, leading to losses of about $20 billion in value per year
Supporting fleets & the fishing supply chain
- +260 supporting commercial vessels identified for supporting IUU fishing
- Reveal connections between IUU fishing vessels and their supporting fleets
- Trace the catch to ensure legal, sustainable, and responsibly harvested seafood trade
Geopolitical expansion & great power competition
- Monitor changed fishing patterns and behavioral anomalies
- Investigate geopolitical expansion attempts
- Analyze the evolution of fishing hot zones
Forced labor
- Investigate fishing vessels and operators suspected to be harvesting seafood with forced labor
- Monitor fishing vessels’ port calls to track suspicious long durations at sea
- Trace the catch and act against illegally harvested seafood trade
The use of non-commercial vessels
- Search for behavioral anomalies to detect suspicious vessels disguised as fishing vessels
- Detect behavioral area abnormalities related to fishing operations outside of seasonal patterns