4 Reasons to Join Windward’s New User Group 

2022_ the year of maritime insights, 2023… (4)

What’s inside?

    “Many technology companies decide to form user groups when they have motivated and engaged customers who see the benefit of participating in a community around the company’s particular products or platforms. As groups grow, it’s the relationships — built among members and the vendor — that are the basis of user groups’ value.”

    This quote by Anthony Rotoli, a Forbes Councils member, accurately describes organizations’ motivations for forming and joining user groups. It certainly sounds familiar to those of us at Windward who have been hard at work forming our new Windward User Group

    We believe the Windward User Group will be a place for users to develop new skills, optimize existing workflows, and learn from colleagues and Windward wizards. Whether you’re a new user, or on your way to Windward mastery, here are four reasons you should join: 

    1. The maritime industry is constantly changing and evolving. Two examples: in just a few short years, we have seen a shift from dark activities, to activities such as ID tampering and GNSS manipulation. And Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine had major implications for the maritime industry that very few of us saw coming. Organizations’ needs and workflows often change in line with industry trends and events. Being constantly exposed to best practices will help you stay ahead of the latest obstacles and trends, with earlier access to Windward’s AI-driven insights.  
    1. There is no need to always reinvent the (ship) wheel! You will benefit from the opportunity to learn from other top organizations in the maritime ecosystem about how they are overcoming challenges similar to yours. 
    1. The user group will be a great place to offer your feedback on Windward’s technology and potentially influence our product roadmap
    1. Lastly, this won’t be your typical boring user group – here at Windward, we like to have fun and make waves

    Our first user group session will take place on September 7, 14:30 p.m. BST | 09:30 a.m. EDT, and will focus on the Windward 360° vessel risk profile.

    The sessions will be led by our team of customer success experts and will cover:

    • An overview of the new risk profile, including the new port state control (PSC) section
    • Compliance and due diligence risk indicators and their significance 
    • Border security risk indicators and what they mean
    • Best practice
    • Q&A and discussion

    The User Group is solely for Windward customers. If you are a client, please join by sending an email to usergroups@wnwd.com, or by contacting your customer success representative. We look forward to interacting with you! 

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