Risk management

Risk Management 

What is Risk Management?

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks that could potentially affect an organization or business. It involves analyzing potential events or conditions that might harm or disrupt operations, and then implementing strategies to minimize, control, or eliminate those risks.

The key steps in risk management typically include:

  1. Risk identification: recognizing the risks that could potentially impact the organization or project. These could be financial, operational, strategic, legal, or environmental risks.
  2. Risk assessment: evaluating the likelihood and impact of these risks. This often involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis to understand the severity of each risk.
  3. Risk mitigation: developing strategies to reduce or manage the identified risks. This could include avoiding the risk, reducing the likelihood of its occurrence, transferring the risk to another party (e.g., through insurance), or accepting the risk and preparing contingency plans.
  4. Risk monitoring: continuously tracking identified risks and monitoring the effectiveness of risk management strategies. This ensures that new risks are promptly identified and managed.
  5. Risk communication: keeping stakeholders informed about the risks and how they are being managed, ensuring transparency and preparedness across the organization.

Effective risk management helps organizations make informed decisions, protect their assets, ensure business continuity, and achieve their objectives while minimizing unexpected disruptions.

What is Risk Management in the Maritime Industry? 

In the maritime industry, risk management involves the strategic process of anticipating, evaluating, and addressing potential risks specific to maritime operations, with the goal of safeguarding vessels, cargo, and personnel while ensuring smooth and secure operations.

Risk management impacts major stakeholders within the supply chain and maritime ecosystems, encompassing various sectors with their specific workflows. Recent events have highlighted the significant overlap among these areas, underscoring the impact of risk across all sectors. Effective risk management is crucial for maintaining the integrity and continuity of maritime and supply chain operations. 

Four Different Types of Risk

1. Sanctions Compliance Risk

Sanctions compliance risk involves potential violations of sanctions regulations, impacting reputation and operations. Effective management includes:

  • Pre-fixture screening: essential for identifying business partners and ensuring compliance
  • Post-fixture investigation and monitoring: allows deep dives into escalated cases and risk exposure monitoring
  • Container tracking: ensures visibility and compliance with new regulations, preventing breaches
  • Bunkering: requires thorough due diligence to avoid enabling sanction evasions

2. Financial Risk

Effective financial risk management requires transparency, compliance, and timely execution, including:

  • Pre-trade verification and compliance: verifying voyage details and assessing risks before trade
  • Audit trail: maintaining detailed logs for compliance and review
  • Post-trade monitoring and adjustments: continuous monitoring to identify deviations and manage risks

3. Safety Risk

Safety risk management ensures vessel safety and reliability through:

  • Marine insurance: assessing vessel quality and behaviors to set premiums and coverage
  • Marine assurance: conducting voyage-specific inspections to ensure safety and compliance

4. Security Risk

Security risk management protects borders and infrastructure:

  • Geopolitical disruptions: adapting risk profiles based on local tensions
  • Smuggling: identifying high-risk vessels to prevent illegal activities
  • IUU fishing: tracking behaviors to detect illegal fishing and associated activities
  • Critical infrastructure: monitoring vessel behaviors near vital locations to mitigate risks

Risk Management Capabilities

Organization Defined Risk (also known as “ODR”) from Windward sets a new standard for maritime risk management as the first fully configurable risk type. Organizations can now independently define and configure behavioral indicators that fit their unique business, mission and risk requirements, and apply them across behavioral and list screening data sets. 

The possibilities are endless. Organizations can define that all vessels that called ports in a specific country during the past year will be flagged as a “moderate risk,” or define an indicator for vessels approaching areas of interest following a course deviation. If an organization sees a behavior pattern as potentially risky or beneficial for growth, it can now define and track it as such.


What are the Risk Management Benefits of ODR? 

  • Tailored risk assessment: easily define and apply individual risk parameters to align with various company needs, scenarios, industries, and/or teams 
  • Enhanced decision-making: integrate various risk indicators, for example, intersectional indicators, to make data-based comprehensive decisions
  • Competitive edge: demonstrate a proactive and sophisticated approach to risk thresholds according to various needs, generating new business opportunities 
  • Unparalleled visibility: nominate local/specific risk profiles, as opposed to only global risk indicators, to gain immediate insight into the risk you care about