Ports & Terminals

Know & Compare
How You Perform

Get customized insights on port congestion, vessel turnaround times, TEU capacity, transit times, pilotage efficiency, and much more.

A unique look at container ports & terminals’ efficiency

Windward Ocean Freight Visibility offers unparalleled insights into the movements of container vessels across trade lanes, between ports, and inside terminals. These insights can be compared to any previous time period based on 12 years of historical data, and offers access to unbiased, precise and actionable information related to performance and efficiency, which can be used for maritime business intelligence.

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Access unbiased insights

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Benchmark your performance

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Identify improvement opportunities

Transit times between port/terminal pairs

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See how much shorter or longer transit times are to ports/terminals coming from a specific location by comparing these times to others in your region.

Measure and benchmark turnaround efficiency

Graph 2

Get actionable insights on your vessel turnaround efficiency by TEU capacity or other criteria, and see competitors’ times.

Track global and regional trade lanes trends

Graph 3

Make sense of market trends by understanding movement of vessels and goods across accepted trade lanes and/or your own specific routes.

Transit times between port/terminal pairs

Measure and benchmark turnaround efficiency

Track global and regional trade lanes trends

Unparalleled maritime coverage

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Ocean shipments

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Container ports & terminals

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scan global

This is the first time we’re using an AI product for enhancing our shipment visibility. The integration of Windward’s capabilities managed to increase milestone coverage to 91%. I am optimistic that the 91% milestone coverage is just the beginning, as it’s steadily improving as we optimize together with Windward.

DSV testimonials blue

During COVID, Windward Ocean Freight Visibility allowed us to improve our ETA accuracy from around 30% to 80%. That has had a massive impact on our efficiency and, of course, on our customer satisfaction.


We were absolutely blown away by Windward’s data. The visibility down to the port details and a drill down of any delay causes – and all in real time. Other available solutions today are a million miles away from that.